So we said goodbye to the kids in Concan as they headed off with Pops and Grandma for a week full of fun at their house. Around here, we call it Camp Grandma, named from the days when hubby would go with his Grandma for a week. I guess only Great Grandma is named because Great Grandpa was still working at the time. Since Pops is retired, Grandma gets a little help with our kids and the little cousins.
Our "just us" trip started out in Bandera, Texas. Our future town. A place where we own 2.48 acres of pure Texas. We drag out the lawn chairs and a few Shiner Bocks to help us watch the sun go down over our land. One day, we'll get to build a house to grow old in together.
This year some dear friends met us out there and we talked and talked and talked. It was wonderful!
The area was formally a huge ranch but is now sectioned off for us lucky ones that get to enjoy the view at a fraction of the cost. We were able to rent out the ranch house for a night. I love everything about this house.
the fireplaces (all 7 of them!)
the windows, the beams...
the original floors....
and the gorgeous view!
You can't help but love this little town!
It makes me sad that all of the rivers are low but I know that it is just a cycle that we are in. We still pray for rain everyday right now. There are many towns around us right now that are banning fireworks shows for the 4th of July. Speaking of, I wish you a day of rest and relaxation as we celebrate our many freedoms this weekend. I didn't intend for there to be a part 3 for our Texas River tour 2011 but I just had to share about our little future town.

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