First up, Halloween. It was fun but crazy this year. Last year I picked out a few costumes for them off of Amazon and had them choose. One click later and I was done. Not so much this year.
J-man wanted to be a completely black ninja. No red, no nothing, so I had to buy all the separate pieces and go to two different Wally worlds for the plastic swords. I didn't mind since I was putting so much work into Roo's costume. When will I learn to keep my mouth shut? I just happened to mention it would be cute for her to be a Fireside girl from Phineas and Ferb. After many tears and learning that you can't just buy one, I found myself painstakingly making little patches for a Fireside girls sash and searching our town for an orange tank top. She had the I saw a bear patch, I climbed a mountain patch, and Waterfall patch to represent what she achieved during our Yosemite trip.
I love how both costumes turned out and had fun making them!
{she refused to wear the beret so we went with the large red bow instead}
{Fireside girls patch, Waterfall patch, Mommy loves me patch, I'm a star patch}
I can't help it! I had to post this.
I'm really surprised that there was not one time that I didn't sing this on the cruise.
I had been singing it daily.
After getting dressed, we celebrated with a Halloween dinner down at the neighbor's house. She went all out with eyeballs in the juice and mummy wrapped dogs!
crazy outtake but that's what he looked like going from house to house so quickly!
I'm hoping to get pictures of the cruise up soon but we are in holiday full swing here now. I have two school Thanksgiving lunches this week on two different days! Are you ready for the Holidays?!

Oh I just love this and love the costumes! You did a fantastic job girl! I will have to show Bella the Fireside costume, she will just squeal!! Have a great weekend sweet friend!
@The Creativity Exchange
ReplyDeleteThanks Cyndy! Great to hear from you.