
Monday, January 23, 2012

I created a Mudroom

         I'm not quite sure why homebuilders in the south don't think we need mudrooms.  I mean really, we may not have snow shoes but we have just as much stuff as the next guy.  Honestly, I've had this set up for quite a while but it never was really working for me.  It held some random shoes and old helmets but it still wasn't functioning the way I wanted it to.  After hearing my son say "Mom, you can't find anything in this house" (in his somewhat sweet and loving way), it occurred to me that that I needed a plan. 

Enter said plan: 

This was after I learned the lesson of the value of a garage door opener.  You see, I've looked into a keychain garage door opener before.  One that I could just take with me when I walk to get the kids.  I wanted one so the kids would end up in the garage (Jman always rides ahead and gets home before me) not the front door.  Which are right next to each other!?  Why I don't know, but I'm sure a guy designed this house and this is when my husband would roll his eyes.  But anyway, those suckers are $30 and I wasn't about to pay that months ago.  But the other day when I analyzed why I wanted it and what it would do for me, $30 was totally worth it.  

And it has been.  I am thrilled that I don't have backpacks and folders strewn all over the floor.  I am ecstatic that the lunch boxes are right there to clean every night, and the shoes in the garage and not in the front room almost puts me over the edge into a sea of happiness.

I don't know why this took me forever to implement. I thought I was being nice by letting them chill after school but really they are used to the rules and order.  That's why their teachers have a smooth running classroom.  My house deserved the same.  


  1. That looks great, Kristen! I love it- those tree and bird decals are such a cute and fun addition :)

  2. Looks great! I am your newest follower! You can visit me at Thanks! Shay

    1. Thanks Shay! Just checked out your blog and it is full of fascinating information. My son is asthmatic and we are looking into a diet changes to help with his allergies in hopes we can ease him off of the heavier meds. Might be more to all of that soon on my little old blog.


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